Thursday, February 25, 2010

I "heart"... Thursdays

I am participating in this weeks I "heart"... at You and Me Plus Three. Go there now to add yours and read others!!

Over the last year or so, TTM* became painfully aware of some very tragic, some very miraculous, and some very "heart"warming children via the blog world. I believe the first story I came across was Stellan. And from there, Kayleigh, Owen, Lindsay, Sara Rose and Bentley. For the longest time I had no idea why I was incessantly reading and following these blogs. I found myself reading and crying over their stories long after my family was in bed... my heart heavy and burdened for their losses, trials and triumphs. LM* would ask me why I was putting myself through this?! "Just stop reading and turn the computer off."

"The very least I can do is pray for these precious babies and their parents.", was my reply.

So that's what I did. I prayed.
And I'm still praying for them.

This may sound a little strange to some, but I believe God put these stories before me to teach me many lessons. When I feel down or forgotton or just plain defeated, I have learned a lot from these families. Through these stories, I've also been witness to some amazing women of strength and determination. Many, I've found, have a strong love for the Lord and seek to give the glory and honor to Him - even in their darkest hours. That never ceases to amaze me and I can only hope that I would be as steadfast should such trials were put before me.

So, in addition to my continuing prayers, I think the least I can do is add my "i "hearts", because I have so much to be thankful for! Thank you to Bentley's mom - and so many others - who share you stories ... good. bad. ugly. It has been a blessing to be a part of your lives. God is working through you.

i "heart"... being a prayer warrior for others

i "heart"... the lessons I have learned online

i "heart"... my sister

i "heart"... my first name - even though I go by my middle name

i "heart"... my BFF

i "heart"... making beanies from nothing more than a ball of yarn

i "heart"... the green, green, beautiful grass on my side of the fence

i "heart"... that God never gives up on me

*TTM- This Tired Mom
*LM - Lovin' Man


BHRMAMA said...

Loved this post . Always so good to think on the good things, and how blessed we are!

Crystal said...

GREAT GREAT post!! This is so powerful and straigt from your heart, thank you for sharing that with us!!! We are so grateful for you and your prayers during that very difficult time in our life.