Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Conversations with Red

This is Red.
My second born.
My snuggler.
My sleeper.
My hot body.
(one of) My heart and soul(s).
She's sweet and sensitive yet tough and firey!
She knows how to melt her momma's heart!
She gives me a lot of insight to how her Daddy must have been as a child.
She cracks me up!

TTM(This Tired Mom): (after hearing a suspicious noise) Did you *boop?
Red: *sly grin* Yes
TTM: Ewww...
Red: What?! At least it doesn't stink!

*see also, "fart", "fluff", "toot", "cut the cheese", "pass gas"

TTM: What do you want for breakfast,
Red: A muffin... plain... with NO butter.
TTM: What? Are you sure?
Red: Yes. No butter.

{fast fwd to plating muffin}
TTM: Are you sure you don't want butter?
Red: Yes.
TTM: Yes, what? You do or don't want butter?
Red; Yes, no butter!
TTM: This goes against everything I know and love, Red!
Red: What?! I just don't want any butter!

{fast fwd to muffin on the table and Red in front of the muffin}
Red: Actually, Mom........... I DO want butter.
TTM: Of course.


Red: Maaahhhmmmmy
TTM: Yes?
Red: I want you to help me dress this morning.
TTM: Ok... move so I can get out of bed.

{fwd to handing her the clothes}
Red: *Expectant stare*
TTM: Oh, you want me to actually DRESS you?
Red: *nods*
TTM: Oh, I thought you just wanted me to pick out your clothes?
Red: *shakes head*

{fast fwd to putting on the jeans}
Red: MOM, these are too tight! Teachers don't like tight clothes!
TTM: No their not, they're fine.
Red: *getting a lil whiney* Yes they are, MOM! They're too tight and the teachers won't like them!
TTM: Too tight where?! At the waist? Just put them on and let me see...

{fast fwd to TTM viewing pants that were tighter than tight}
TTM: Ok, those *are* tight!
Red: Yeah, and the teachers don't-
TTM: Ok, OK! Why were those even in your drawer? Who put them in there?
Red: YOU did.
TTM: oh.


TTM: Red, what happened to your laundry pile?
Red: *blank stare*
TTM: Who messed them all up? They were in a nice laundry pile now they're all over the place.
Red: I don't remember.
Red: Maybe I kicked them around a little bit.
TTM: Maybe?
Red: *Sheepish grin*


Auntie Say said...

lol! She's so cute and silly!

BHRMAMA said...
