Over the last year or so, TTM* became painfully aware of some very tragic, some very miraculous, and some very "heart"warming children via the blog world. I believe the first story I came across was Stellan. And from there, Kayleigh, Owen, Lindsay, Sara Rose and Bentley. For the longest time I had no idea why I was incessantly reading and following these blogs. I found myself reading and crying over their stories long after my family was in bed... my heart heavy and burdened for their losses, trials and triumphs. LM* would ask me why I was putting myself through this?! "Just stop reading and turn the computer off."
"The very least I can do is pray for these precious babies and their parents.", was my reply.
So that's what I did. I prayed.
And I'm still praying for them.
This may sound a little strange to some, but I believe God put these stories before me to teach me many lessons. When I feel down or forgotton or just plain defeated, I have learned a lot from these families. Through these stories, I've also been witness to some amazing women of strength and determination. Many, I've found, have a strong love for the Lord and seek to give the glory and honor to Him - even in their darkest hours. That never ceases to amaze me and I can only hope that I would be as steadfast should such trials were put before me.
So, in addition to my continuing prayers, I think the least I can do is add my "i "hearts", because I have so much to be thankful for! Thank you to Bentley's mom - and so many others - who share you stories ... good. bad. ugly. It has been a blessing to be a part of your lives. God is working through you.
i "heart"... being a prayer warrior for others
i "heart"... the lessons I have learned online
i "heart"... my sister
i "heart"... my first name - even though I go by my middle name
i "heart"... my BFF
i "heart"... making beanies from nothing more than a ball of yarn
i "heart"... the green, green, beautiful grass on my side of the fence
i "heart"... that God never gives up on me
*TTM- This Tired Mom
*LM - Lovin' Man