Friday, June 19, 2009

Fat Friday vol. 3

Here it is... FRIDAY! The last day of the work week - for most, anyway! I'm excited for the weekend even though I'm feeling an enlarged lymph node in my neck - sore throat and head cold symptoms - I'm definitely going to try and fight through it. (On second thought, maybe I'll pass the kiddos on to Daddy and hole up in my room all weekend! LoL J/K!!)

As I've posted in the last couple of depressing posts, I've been in a funk. I feel it may have something to do with the leveling off of hormones upon the removal of a certain IUD. That has not been confirmed, but I've lived in my body for most of my life and I'm really thinking that the IUD had and still is having a part in the roller coaster of things going on with my body.

So anyway, I have been struggling between - "is this my hormones or am I just a lazy blob?" ;o) It's probably a bit of both, but as I told my loving husband, "at least i'm still fighting through it... the day I lay down and give up is the day you should really be worried!" LoL!

So, I'm still here, fighting. I'm starting with Fat Friday!

I'm not even going to be embarassed that I'm starting BACK at ground zero.

And I'm even going to add a "confessions" segment, just because I want to be fully and thoroughly humiliated. haha j/k

So, I'm at ground zero... at least I'm not MORE than when I originally started.

My goals for the coming week:
drink water, no eating after 8 and 1 pound lost.

Sound small? For some, maybe. However, if you could have seen some of my habits over the past month or so, these changes are major.

Which is a nice segway into this:


I *may or may not* have eaten my weight in chocolate.
I went an entire week without cooking dinner for the family.
I got the kids some donuts for breakfast and helped myself to a couple powdered ones.
I have been drinking *maybe* and I mean maybe drinking 2 glasses of water a day - if that!
I've contributed to eating out more than the budget allows.

Ok, I think that's all I can handle putting out there this week! haha

Wish me luck strength and willpower and knowledge!

Motto for the week:

"No More Excuses!"


BHRMAMA said...

Just keep on keeping on!!! LOL. and you are so brave to have the conffesions part!!

Renee•Candy Stick Lane said...

Your FANTASTIC! Im here cheering you on! I have that same comic up on my desk! LOL! XO