Friday, May 8, 2009

Fat Friday vol. 2

So another week has past... Some things came up this last Saturday night/Sunday morning... literally... things came up. I had the stomach flu (and all it entails) from Saturday night until Wednesday. That was a definitel road block to my plans of following Atkins and getting much exercise. Another road block to the Atkins is that a lot of protein can get a bit expensive - if that's all you're eating... so I'm going to modify to eating smaller portions and making the better food choices. (Flip flops, anyone.) Classic "this tired mom"... I flip flop a lot! haha

Last weeks' goals:
*continue with Atkins - bringing in more lean protein: chicken, fish : nope, due to illness & funds
*drink my water: minimally better, definite improvement
*go walking at least ONCE: CHECK!!! I went for a walk on Wednesday evening for about 30 mins
*lose another pound or two: check! See below for weight loss
*come back next Friday and blog about it: check!

This weeks' goals:
*smaller portions/healthier choices
*drink water
*walk @ least 2x
*lose 1 pound
*blog next week
Weight check:
Week 1: GZ*
Week 2: -1.4
Week 3: -1.8!!**
Total loss to date: 3.2

*Ground Zero - for the sake of my overall pride and sanity, this will be used in place of my actual weight.

**Funny thing... at one point during my "sickness" I had lost almost 4 pounds. I'm assuming it was mostly water weight because now my body has apparently rebalanced in it's normal lovely way! I'll take 1.8!!

1 comment:

BHRMAMA said...

Isn't that always the way!! Something always seems to happen just when you start to try something new!! Good job for hanging in there though!! And good work on losing more lbs!!!