Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Emma Louise

Two years I go, I looked something like this...

... and my insides looked something like this...

Two years ago, on March 10, 2008... this lil bundle of joy made her appearance.

We called her Emma Louise. I remember saying, "I can't believe she's so tiny!"
This is how she slept for the first 8 weeks of her life.

Her mommy and Daddy had NO IDEA how much she would change their lives!

(Her mommy had no idea her freckles stood out this much. =o) )

One year ago, our lil beauty was a-changing!
She developed "to-die-for" eyelashes...
... became Mommy's model for all things yarn...
... was affectionately known as "Boo"
... she drank from her red sippy...
...ate cupcakes on her 1st birthday...

Today, on March 10, 2010, our beautiful girl is 2!!!
My, how she's changed!

... she loves music, and puzzles and animals, and Buzz Lightyear...
...she loves her sissies...

Yes, today, this year, our baby is a fiesty, loving, sassy, adorable, gentle, crazy, sweet, demanding and irresistable 2 year old!

I think this photo says it all!
Happy Birthday, Emma Lou!!!


BHRMAMA said...

What a difference a couple years make! They change so fast! Happy 2nd Emma!

Auntie Say said...

Happy Birthday baby girl!