Seeing as how I'm concentrating on the "Everyday" aspect of live - and learning to love as much about it as humanly possible, I thought I'd share what happens around here on Some Saturdays.
Our girls aren't in any sports at the moment, but that doesn't mean that our weekends are filled with lazin' in the sun!
Some Saturdays are filled with Tractor Play.
Dad is usually already outside with the older girls...
Our girls aren't in any sports at the moment, but that doesn't mean that our weekends are filled with lazin' in the sun!
Some Saturdays are filled with Tractor Play.
Dad is usually already outside with the older girls...

... so Mommy has to hurry and get this one ready before she gets too worked up about being left in the house!

I'm thinking this "safety lesson" might have been for Mom's sake.
... 'cause he already gave them one before they got on... right?

It makes my heart happy to see them creating good memories!

Then, there are other Saturdays when things don't go as planned.
The Hubs had wanted to go "up the hill" to shoot his gun... then his pesky Father-in-law reminded him that his shoulder was out of commission and how was he going to shoot a gun without it throwing him into fits of agony?
THEN, his wifey shot down his plans of putting a fence up across the pasture. (I have my reasons.) THEN, he didn't get a call back about using a piece of equipment to disc up the front lawn...
I could see him getting frustrated - but nothing compared to Red's frustration! Not only had her plans to go shootin' with her "huntin' buddy" (aka. Dad) been foiled, but her older sister had already gone to Grandma's house! She wasn't too happy.
So Mommy suggested they go fishing somewhere. This caught him completely off-guard, but he didn't argue!
So, some Saturdays, we fish!
And Red caught her very first Large MOUTH Bass!!!!
The Hubs had wanted to go "up the hill" to shoot his gun... then his pesky Father-in-law reminded him that his shoulder was out of commission and how was he going to shoot a gun without it throwing him into fits of agony?
THEN, his wifey shot down his plans of putting a fence up across the pasture. (I have my reasons.) THEN, he didn't get a call back about using a piece of equipment to disc up the front lawn...
I could see him getting frustrated - but nothing compared to Red's frustration! Not only had her plans to go shootin' with her "huntin' buddy" (aka. Dad) been foiled, but her older sister had already gone to Grandma's house! She wasn't too happy.
So Mommy suggested they go fishing somewhere. This caught him completely off-guard, but he didn't argue!
So, some Saturdays, we fish!
And Red caught her very first Large MOUTH Bass!!!!

I don't think this Dad could have more love for his girls!

Nothing 'bout it too peculiar! But I can't get enough!