Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'll take 12, please!

This morning I was going through my cell phone photos and ran across this lil ditty.


My heart is swelling and pitter-pattering in a most peculiar way.

Yeah, I know, right?!
Good Lord Almighty, you're killing me here.
My woman parts have just signed a contract with my heart to have another dozen, or so, of these.
They have conveniently forgotten the havoc that this lil bundle was on their owner.
They simply do not care that she turned my whole world upside down for the first 7 months.

"WHaaa-?" they're saying. I can just "see" them playing dumb. Brow furrowed, mouth pursed, eyes looking upward, pretending to try and remember.

"We simply don't recall any of that." they continue, quite innocently. "I mean, come on, woman... take a look at this one..."

And there goes my heart... melting in a pool of ooey gooey gooshyness at my feet.
I'm feeling the pull of the hormones.
Stop. I plead.
For the love of all that is Holy, GET THEE BEHIND ME!
"Come one," they tempt. "A few more... just look..."

*sigh* ALRIGHT! you win. I'll have 12 more!

1 comment:

BHRMAMA said...

AWWWW how can you not want twelve more when they look that cute!!! You and Delmar make pretty babies!