Monday, April 20, 2009

Topping my list today...

You *know* it's going to be a rough day when
Caffeine and Midol
top the list at 6 a.m. LOTS of both!
...not to mention...
My loving husband got a flat on the way to work
and has our (read "MY") truck.
No biggie though...
I only have doctors appointments and a house full of kids.
...sarcasm, however, is alive and well...
Thankfully, instead of ranting and raving or just plain
checking out...
... I'm remembering three simple words my Preacher Dad
gave from the pulpit... three simple, yet under utilized words...
"Lord, help me."
Hopefully, that'll do it!


BHRMAMA said...

hope it is not too bad for ya, and remember...this too shall pass ;)

Renee•Candy Stick Lane said...

Hey! I was on my bestest friends Amber's (knottybabywear) blog and saw my favorite work of art (Flaming June) peeking out at me from the avatars of her followers - Im happy I found your blog - I love the way you write! XO