Thursday, September 10, 2009

Lookin' back - Emma Edition

Emma is 18 months old!
What is she up to now?!

She weighs 23.8lbs & depending on whose shoes she's wearing, she's averaging 30 inches long... er, high.

She wears an 18 - 24 month pant, 24 mos - 2t Tops & dresses.

Emma is in a size 4 diaper.

She loves to... outside
...ride horses her sisters
...jump on the trampoline... or Daddy
...go bye-bye.

She also loves...
...her paci
...chocolate milk
...her blanky(ies)
...her sissies
...Mommy & Daddy
... did I mention her shoes?

Emma has 5 teeth with 3 on the horizon!

She is down to one nap in the afternoons and is still sleeping through the night! (Hallelujah!)

Although sometimes she's a little hard to understand, her vocabulary is expanding! Her current word bank consists of...
...Ma (usually yelled)
...Da, Daddy
...Gigi (Ginger)
...peesh(please - which she also signs)
...ewwww (my personal favorite!)

She also makes certain noises for her "paci" and food! Mommy thinks that being the youngest of 3 has something to do with Emma's obvious disdain for talking. Why talk when Mommy and Sissies have you all figured out?!

Mommy is glad that Emma has turned out to be a happy and healthy girl!!! Emma can bring a smile to our faces a thousand times a day! She seems to be on a more "average" growth chart than her big sissies and can be quite the Sassy Susan! However, Mommy & Daddy are loving every minute of it and can't believe how fast time is going by!

I've posted quite a few pictures from the past 18 months... *sniffle sniffle*

3/10/08 - 6 lbs, 10 ounces (1/2 ounce heavier than Brooklyn)
I was SO sure she was going to be a bigger baby. I kept saying,
"I can't believe she's so tiny!"

Proud Sissy Brooklyn

Brenna is finally a big sister!

Daddy had the flu when Emma was born!

Just minutes after she was born!
I can feel my ovaries itchin'!

A quiet moment with Mommy

Cuddled in the blankie that Auntie Kell made!

The Elvis Yawn

The infamous long toes - Mommy thinks shes grown into them now!

About 6 weeks

Gettin' ready to talk to Brenna

I just love this pic of her on the pillow... so tiny!

Wearing Momma's very first headband!

Father's Day 08

A rare happy baby at this point... I was so thrilled to snap some smiley pics!

2 mos old at the Fair

First taste of food!

Loungin' with Ginger

6 months old!

Wearing the beginning of what would become Momma's crochet obsession

Halloween 08

November/December 08

January 09

Red cupcakes - practicing for birthday!

Her 1 year b'day photo

March 09 - 1 year old!

One of the saddest/pics that I love

Water fun!

Jumpin' girl

Loves the water so much she fell asleep

My happy girl!

18 months old - still attached to that paci!

Riding Gigi

My big girl!

Lovin' her monkey

Sittin' pretty!


Niki said...

She has gotten so big and more and more beautiful each day!! Can't believe the little ones are already 18 months old!!! You have such a gorgeous family:)

Auntie Say said...

i haven't seen those last few pictures. she's soooo gorgeous in them! She looks like such a big girl!!

BHRMAMA said...

What a little cutie!! Time sure flies!! Loved this post!

Anonymous said...

OMG- Brenna has got so big!!! I love the pic of Brenna holding her the 1st time- and when she fell asleep in the pool- too funny- Dezi calls the babies your "Precious Moment" babies- boy are they precious!! Love ya girl Stayci