Sunday, July 17, 2011

Weekend Fun at The Shack

We took a quick trip up to Buck's Lake on Saturday!! My parents have some property up there where they're building a weekend getaway spot! I call it "The Shack". You'll see why in a couple minutes! We had a quick lunch in the trailer before heading down to the creek that runs below The Shack.
In a normal July, the girls would be in shorts and wading through the cold mountain water.

Wait, scratch that. In a "normal" July, the creek would probably barely be running.
However, it was a very long winter around here... so we get to enjoy the rippling brook for awhile longer!
Even the doggies had a good time!
They had fun finding critters! I think they were looking at helgramites here..

I don't know why I try and get a good picture of the three of them anymore... this is what I end up with!

Momma: "Emma, you've never looked so much like your dad, before!" lol

Daddy and Red had a little "Battle of the super loose tooth" by the crik.

"Come on!!!!" Dad whined when she refused to give in!
Brenna ended up winning this round!

In case you were wondering, Brooklyn is still our family clown!

We made our way up to The Shack after a bit.

Notice the snow still on the ground!
*IN* July!

And here ya have it... The Shack!
It actually kind of embarrasses me.
I mean, it's way too small for any of the family to crash in...
it's completely run down... it's an absolute... well, shack.
I shiver to think of having to sleep in there... I'd almost rather take my chances in the tent with the bears!

Just a peek of the inside... I don't imagine there's much they're gonna be able to do to turn this thing around. The sheer smallness of it doesn't leave much room for improvement.

So after we took our chances looking around The Shack, we headed over to the lake!
It's so pretty and full right now!
We just wanted a nice quiet spot to let the girls play in/near the water... and this was perfect!
Daddy borrowed Poppa's fishing pole and threw in a line here and there.

Emma had a blast playing *near* the water. It still wasn't quite warm enough for them to go crazy in the water.

The wind would blow for a minute and then let up. Then it'd blow some more. The sun would hide and then come back out. It was beautiful and oh-so relaxing!And then Daddy caught a fish!!!

A German Brown, to be exact! Lookit Brenna trying to make you think she thinks it's gross... she totally KISSED that fish!! I'm sure the fish found extreme comfort in Brenna's kiss as it... well, you know.

And look who else kissed the fish! Blech!

We caught two fish altogether! IF I had my fishing license, I *probably* would have caught the second one and it *probably* would have been bigger than his! *wink wink*

We definitely need to go back up soon!!! It's too close and too relaxing and too fun to ignore the beauty any longer!!! Must. go. back!

1 comment:

Noelle Spooner said...

That place is awesome! I can't believe there is still snow! I would really love to escape to someplace cool right now, its so hot here and I am not even pregnant this summer!!